Friday, July 4, 2008

A Better Juice For Your Sick Baby

A sick tummy got your baby down? It may be time for a change of juice. Researches have found that children recover more quickly from diarrhoea when they drink white grape juice than when they stick to those high chair standards, apple and pear. They're also less likely to experience a recurrence on the white grape. Apparently, the sugar and carbohydrate composition of white grape juice is better for digestive system (and a lot less challenging in the laundry department than its purple cousin) . Apple and pear juices naturally contain sorbitol (an indigestible carbohydrate that can cause gas, bloating and discomfort) and a higher amount of fructose than glucose, while grape juice is sorbitol free and has an even balance of glucose to fructose.

Before switching to white grape juice though, discuss it with the doctor who might recommend water or rehydration liquids instead. In some cases, too much of any type of juice can create tummy troubles.

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