Thursday, April 24, 2008
Adding Wheat Germ to Your Baby's Food
Wheat germ is the smallest, most nutritious part of a wheat grain. A whole wheat grain is composed of four parts
-the husk (which is the outer layer)
-the bran (a nutritious, high fibre part of the grain)
-the endosperm (this is the main part of the grain and is used in processed grain foods)
-the germ (the smallest part, yet one of the most nutritionally valuable products available)
Why wheat germ is wonderful!
The following list shows just how many beneficial nutrients wheat germ can bring to your baby's diet:
-vitamin A
-vitamins B1 and B3
-vitamin B5 (helps your baby's body assimilate energy from food)
-vitamin E (strengthens your baby's immune system)
-folic acid
-dietary fibre
-phosphorus (promotes healthy bones and teeth)
Tips for adding wheat germ to your baby's food
One of the great things about wheat germ is that its taste is so subtle, it blends nicely with both savoury and sweet dishes. In fact, wheat germ is barely noticeable when combined with other foods, making it ideal for 'picky' babies. Adding wheat germ is a wonderful way to get important nutrients into your baby if he eats little, or will only eat a limited variety of foods.
-Use wheat germ to make an interesting 'topping' for cooked veggies.
-Wheat germ serves as an ideal thickener for overly runny purees.
-If you are baking for your baby, try using a small amount of wheat germ as a substitute for an equivalent amount of flour (for example - if your recipe calls for 6oz flour, use 1oz wheat germ and 5oz flour).
-Stir wheat germ into your baby's yogurt.
-If you are breading foods like tofu or chicken for your baby, stir some wheat germ into the bread crumbs.
-Stir it into your baby's soups, stews and casseroles.
-Make a 'baby apple pie' by topping sugar free applesauce with wheat germ.
-If your baby finds finger foods like bananas, peaches and pears too slippery to handle, coat them with wheat germ and they'll be much easier to pick up!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Baby care - Check your indoor plants for safety
As soon as your baby is able to hold objects in her hand, you will notice that he uses his mouth to explore them - the highly developed senses in her mouth make it perfect for the job! But as soon as your baby is mobile - whether crawling or toddling - your baby's need to "mouth" items becomes a cause for concern. This is because your baby does not discriminate - anything and everything will end up in her mouth!
Most of us move dangerous or delicate items out of our babies' reach at this point - but items that often get overlooked are house plants and flowers.
Although most house plants are non-toxic, there are some that could upset your baby's stomach or cause severe illness if she were to put them in his mouth.
It's impossible to provide a complete list of all toxic plants here, but the following list contains examples of common household and garden plants that would be poisonous to a young baby. If you are not sure of the names of all the plants you have at home, then it's a good idea to take a cutting to a local garden centre or nursery for identification.
List of poisonous plants and flowers
-lily of the valley
-deadly nightshade
-hyacinth (and bulb)
-narcissus bulb
-daffodil bulb
The California Poison Control System provides a comprehensive list of toxic plants, plus a list of safe plants (it's worth taking a moment to browse this site more fully, as it contains lots of useful information about preventing poisoning within the home).
As soon as your baby is crawling, begin teaching her that it's wrong to pull leaves straight from a plant and put them into his mouth - even if you know that YOUR plants are safe, she may one day be in an environment with plants that could be harmful.
If you are concerned that your baby may have ingested part of a toxic plant, seek medical advice immediately. If you are taking your child to hospital, take a cutting from the plant with you.
Remember, though, that toxicity isn't the only hazard to your baby from plants. Even "safe" plants can be dangerous - leaves still pose a choking risk and some babies may try to eat the soil or small pebbles from the pot. If you have a plant that overhangs the surface it's sitting on, then keep it in a room your baby doesn't have access to - otherwise your baby may pull the plant down on to her head.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Voice based service by Google!!!
For all people out there in Bangalore. You all may try this Ubona. pretty neat voice regonition tool. Well, what you know Voice based service is not new to anyone it’s the regular stuff.
Create easy websites using Google
While Microsoft’s programmes typically are installed on individual computers, Google keeps its application on its own machines so users can access them from anywhere with an Internet connection. By gradually introducing free versions of word processing, spreadsheet, and calendaring programmes over the past two years, Google has been threatening to siphon revenue away from Microsoft, which makes most of its money from software sales. Microsoft, in turn, hopes to take a bite of out Google’s bread-and-butter in online search and advertising by buying Yahoo Inc for more than $40 billion.