Working five days a week, and in the weekends planning to go out for a tour with your friends, hanging out in someones house, going shopping, parties.....bla bla bla... and if you find time for yourself planning to sleep ? try out this one.. Treat yourself with a SPECIAL SPA DAY. A whole day when your concentration is you and your body. Here is how to spend your very own Special Spa Day:
07 am: The first thing you have when you get up is honey and lime juice in warm water.
08 am: Time for yoga/exercise - put on some soothing music and enjoying doing it.
09 am: Make a cup of herbal tea. For breakfast have a plate of fruits like watermelon, papaya.
11 am: Have a glass of vegetable juice, put your feet up and sip slowly.
12 am: Lunch time - It must be packed with fresh raw salads, lowfat protein rotis made of soya, jowar and wheat. Salad must be full of sprouts and tomatoes. Have dal, two vegetable curries, if you are interested in non-veg make it one veg-curry and one non-veg curry (but be sure you dont eat much oil at least today on you spa day).
2 pm: Beauty time- Close the bathroom door, light a scented candle. Indulge your body with full-body mask and oil massage. Take half cup of milk, half cup of ground almonds, quater cup of fresh, grated coconut, 4 drops of your favourite oil, a bunch of crushed rose petals and egg white. Mix it all together and apply the paste to your body starting from your feet. After 20 min wash it off with luke warm water. You can make a home made bubble bath by combining 1 cup of soap flakes, 3 tbsp of glycerine and oils. Mix and store in a container.Watch your skin glow all week.
After your bath, apply another layer of the bath oil or lotion. Don't forget your elbows.These may look like an ostrich neck, but it is your job to make them look line a swan's. Rub half a lime with sugar granules on each elbow. After your shower, rub an elbow cream.
A pedicure and manicure come next. Put a herbal face pack, lie with thin cucumber slices on your eyelids before washing your face.
5 pm: Juice break- A glass of fresh orange or mousambi juice with a spring of fresh peppermint.
5.45 pm: Go for a long walk. Get into your track suit and take a brisk walk.
6.30 pm: Have a milk shake .
08 pm: Dinner time- Have a thai style with vegitable curry and rice.
09 pm: Have a sweet dish gajar-ka-halwa or curd , topped with almonds.
10 pm: Bed time- slip into your bed with your favourite book in your hands and slowly slip into a lovely sleep.
Make your spa day a monthly event and you will wonder what makes you so relaxed and your skin glow. So have a happy Spa Day.
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